Embed Tv Series& Seasons directly into your website using only TMDB id

Our service uses the TMDB Api to get the show data and then it creates a UI that can embed the season and the episodes using the MoviesSources Api. Our Services tracks the users watching so that the user will never forget where he left watching.

Get movies and tv series stream by IMDB or TMDb ID

How to use the tool in your website

Embed by TMDb ID

URL: https://show2embed.web.app/watch/{TMDb_ID}

Example: https://show2embed.web.app/watch/1412

Iframe code for auto embed example:

<iframe src=”https://show2embed.web.app/watch/1412″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Spicify the season and the episode

Only season: https://show2embed.web.app/watch/{TMDB_ID}/{SEASON}

Season and Episode: https://show2embed.web.app/watch/{TMDB_ID}/{SEASON}/{EPISODE}

Example: https://show2embed.web.app/watch/1412/5/1

Iframe code for auto embed example:

<iframe src=”https://show2embed.web.app/watch/1412/5/1″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>